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Sofro muita influencia de profissionais de cenário para animação. Especialmente os modernos da geração cinquintista como Eyvind Earle, Walt Peregoy, Jules Engel, Paul Julian, Bob MacIntosh, Lew Keller, Mary Blair.
Hoje em dia eu diria que meus background designers favoritos são Scott Willis, Dan Krall, Kevin Dart, William Wray e Drake Brodahl.
Vale a pena conferir o trabalho desses caras.
I dig creating backgrounds very much! I feel they add so much to the storytelling - actually, the background it self moves the hell out of me...
Work with animation is kinda hard in Brazil, but i'll keep trying to work at least in some projetcs as a background designer.
I have no doubt to put my favourite background designers on the same level as the masters of painting. It's solid , constructive, emotional, expressive - as a matter of fact, i preferer them.
The old-schoolers I've been influenced (or just envy the work) are Eyvind Earle, Walt Peregoy, Jules Engel, Paul Julian, Bob MacIntosh and Lew Keller, from cartoon modern (50's).
As for designers I check out nowadays, lets just say I would cut my left hand to paint and design like Scott Willis, Dan Krall, Kevin Dart, William Wray e Drake Brodahl.